Austrian Trauma Society |
Belgian Trauma Society |
Bosnian Trauma Society |
Croatian Trauma Society |
Croatian Urgent Medicine and Surgery Association |
Czech Trauma Society |
Danish Orthopedic Trauma Society |
Finnish Trauma Society |
French Emergency Surgery Society |
German Trauma Society |
Hellenic Society for Trauma & Emergency Surgery |
Hungarian Trauma Society |
Italian TES (SICUT) |
Lusitanian (Portugese) Association of Trauma & Emergency Surgery |
Netherlands Trauma Society |
Norwegian Trauma Competency Service |
Pan-Ukrainian Association of Traumatology and Osteosynthesis |
Portuguese Surgical Society |
Romanian TES (SRCUT) |
Serbian Trauma Society |
Slovakian Trauma Society |
Slovenian association of surgeons (SAS) |
Slovenian Society of Trauma Surgeons |
Spanish Surgeons Association-SSA |
Swedish Trauma Association |
Swiss Society of General Surgery and Traumatology |
Swiss Trauma Society (SGTV) |
Turkish Association for Trauma & Emergency Surgery |
Turkish Society of Orthopedics & Traumatology |
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